"Walking into Moraine House was both humbling and inspiring. For my non-profit profile I chose Moraine House, a halfway house for recovering alcoholics and addicts. For our class, we each had to pick a local nonprofit that fits our mission statement to write an in depth profile on which we will later use to make our decision on which agencies to give grant money to. As a part of the profile process, we each research our nonprofits and go on site visits. I went to Moraine House to interview one of the Assistant Directors, Sam Hardison and tour the house.
I walked in to Moraine House where I was met by Hardison and several of the men living at Moraine House. As I talked to Hardison it was clear to see how much Moraine House meant to him. He spoke of the transformation that he’s seem men make during their time living in the house and drug issues that plagues our community. The men living in the house are required to follow rules like attending AA or NA meetings to aid in their recovery. To me it was crazy to think about the thirteen men living in the house struggling to keep clean of their addiction while I was less than five minutes away ignorant to the struggling engulfing the community around me. It has been interesting learning about a world so different from my own that exist just down the road. So far, it has been eye opening and exciting getting to learn about Moraine House and I am excited to learn about all of the other nonprofits my classmates have been profiling."
Samantha S. - Northville, MI - Senior Communication Major